The symbol of the circle represents wholeness. Perfection. Inclusivity. Because we are all participants and contributers in life and in our spiritual practice, right?
So why do so many religious services out there have a seating format where it's an audience facing a stage? Like you're in a classroom and the teacher is at the front? Doesn't that seem a little hierarchical? I mean, sure, it works great if you're going to a lecture... but what about if you want to have a spiritual experience in a group environment? Maybe you just want to get centered then let your your wholeness ripple outward into the world.
More examples of "sacred circles" in the world ...

Tibetan Buddhist mandala

Native American medicine wheel

Zen enso circle of infinity

Planet Earth

Sacred pizza... hmmm!
MMMMM sacred pizza!
I am a TPM'er and have not had a chance to attend Sacred Circle.
Thank you for your time and effort!
I will keep up through the blog!
Here's to Infinite Possibilities!
Yeay! Welcome flig! There are going to be some special times in a couple weeks, so stay tuned!
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