Thursday, October 30, 2008

"Halloween" Sacred Circle--Oct 30th

Okay, so it's not officially Halloween yet, but Unity is observing it today and we rocked out to "Monster Mash" at our Sacred Circle. And it was great to have so many SEE students join us today!

Our quote is: "Most fears take to their heels if we do something about them." --May Rowland
Affirmation: I am brave!

So...what do you do with your fears?

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Quote for Oct 23rd

Hey all,

Today's quote is from Myrtle Fillmore:

"Let consciousness lay hold of its boundless supply of life, love, wisdom ... now. It is your birthright ..."

The songs we jammed out to were "Love Train" by the O'Jays and "All We Need is Love" by Ras Attitude.

The affirmation: "I claim the good in my life!"

The good that I've been claiming for myself this week is confidence, courage and persistence through all the many changes going on at work and in the world at large. What have you been claiming?

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Quote from October 16th

Hey everyone,
I know we're a little late posting the quote and song from the 16th, but Jenny and I have had a busy week! We were both at the South Central Next Generation of Unity (NGU) retreat this weekend, along with it being our BIRTHDAY! (the 18th)

The 16th's quote is "Zeal is the inward fire of the soul that urges one onward" Charles Fillmore

Our song was "Celebrate" by Rare Earth

There was an extra sacred circle on Thursday at 12:45 so our friends visiting for SEE could come. (this will happen this week and next as well)

We also had a sacred circle at the NGU retreat which was also lots of fun!

Peace to you all

Thursday, October 9, 2008

October 9

This week our quote comes from Eric Butterworth, (but we reconize the universal wisdom of it)

"The one real certainty in life is change"

our affirmation is: I embrace change.

our song this week was 'Get ready for the brand new sky' by LeRoy White

What do you all think of that?

Thursday, October 2, 2008

October 2nd

Hey everyone,
We had a great sacred circle today, the weather is beautiful, and the sun is shining. (but we know that it's always a beautiful day in our conciousness right?)

Today's quote is from Charles Fillmore's 'Prosperity'

"Never allow yourself to be burdened with the thought that you are having a hard time."

Our song was 'Look who's dancing' Ziggy Marley

What do YOU think about today's quote? Go ahead and talk amongst yourselves :-)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

What's sacred about a circle?

You might be wondering why this alternative prayer service at Unity is called Sacred Circle...

The symbol of the circle represents wholeness. Perfection. Inclusivity. Because we are all participants and contributers in life and in our spiritual practice, right?

So why do so many religious services out there have a seating format where it's an audience facing a stage? Like you're in a classroom and the teacher is at the front? Doesn't that seem a little hierarchical? I mean, sure, it works great if you're going to a lecture... but what about if you want to have a spiritual experience in a group environment? Maybe you just want to get centered then let your your wholeness ripple outward into the world.

More examples of "sacred circles" in the world ...

Tibetan Buddhist mandala

Native American medicine wheel

Zen enso circle of infinity

Planet Earth

Sacred pizza... hmmm!