Thursday, February 26, 2009


Today's theme was strength.

"Our saying 'Christ in my strength, I cannot be weak or frail' will make us strong enough to meet any emergency with calm assurance." ~H. Emilie Cady

Affirmation: Christ is my strength

Today's song was 'Strength' by The RH Factor

Our exit song was 'Believe it' by our dear friend, Rev. Erin McCabe

Well folks, what do you think?

Thursday, February 19, 2009

All about love

Another wonderful sacred circle today, we had some newcomers and some regulars. (welcome newcomers!)

We danced to "Your love keeps lifting me higher" by Jackie Wilson and discussed the quote of the week:

"In expression, love is the power that joins and binds in divine harmony the universe and everything in it." Charles Fillmore

I AM love in expression!

So what do you think? How does love express? What is divine harmony?

Oh yeah, and it's 2 weeks to Sacred Circle's birthday!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

All about Joy

We had a special guest facilitator today--Unity CEO Charlotte Shelton!

Today's quote is:

"When you have times when everything seems to go wrong, learn to 'count it all joy'. Such times cannot last long, and they will pass away sooner when you meet every situation from the foundation of Truth."
-Myrtle Fillmore

Affirmation: I count it all joy!
Song: Joy to the World, by Three Dog Night

So what does "counting it all joy" mean to you? Do you have an example you're willing to share?

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Happy February!

Can you believe that we've been doing Sacred Circle for 11 months?! More on that later, but wow!

Our quote this week was: "The Spirit of the living God within us is not only the giver of all good gifts... but is the gift itself." H. Emilie Cady

I am the Gift!

We rocked out to Richard Mekdeci's 'Attitude of Gratitude'

So folks, what do YOU think?