Thursday, January 29, 2009

January 29, 2009

Hello Sacred Cirlcers

This week we ahd some special guests from the Associations' mid-year meetings.

Our quote:
"We are to transform [ourselves] by the renewing of our mind." Charles Fillmore

Affirmation, Attitude is everything!

Our song was "A new attitude" by Patti LaBelle

Thanks to Ned and Terry, our Facilitator and DJ today!

So what do you think? How are you transformed? What does renewing your mind mean to you?

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love sacred circle... it is such an amazing example of what cooperative and community led ministry can be. I look forward for the day when this is "traditional" ministry and sitting in pews for an hour is "alternative." I look forward to syndicating this in Louisville, KY. hugs, keith