Thursday, May 21, 2009

being real

Welcome to our new facilitator Ted, (known as Dean Ted around campus)

Quote: "It seems to me that once we affirm the activity of God in our life, all we can do is hold on, because we are going for a ride into reality, the real part of our being." ~ J. Sig Paulson

Affirmation: Today I choose to be the Real me.

Wiggle song: To Be Real by Cheryl Lynn

How are you real? how would you like to be more real?

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Today's Facilitator was the Rev. Paul Hasselbeck

Quote "An understanding faith functions from Principle. It is based on the knowledge of Truth. It understands the law of mind action. Therefore, it has great strength." Charles Fillmore, Dynamics for Living

I faithfully create what I desire

Our wiggle song was India Airie There's Hope

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Unification with all

Today's wiggle song/video is from
go and watch the video, it's fantastic. Oh, and if anyone reading this knows how to put the video in this post, please tell me, I tried and failed.

While you are on the site, go to the FAQ and check out the lyrics for the song, they are pretty cool too.

"The feeling of our unification with all of creation is love." J.Sig Paulson and Rick Dickerson Revelation: the book of Unity

Affirmation: I am love in action!

What do you think? Do you feel unification with all creation? what does the video mean to you?

Monday, May 4, 2009

born anew

"when one is born anew into the Christ consciousness all things are made clear." Charles Fillmore, Mysteries of John

I am reborn in this moment.

Our song was "Standing outside the Fire" by Garth Brooks.

What does it mean to be born anew? What does it mean to stand outside or inside the fire?