Thursday, April 23, 2009


Thanks to our fabulous facilitator Ned, and DJ Lauren today.

the quote: "Sometimes the answer to prayer is not that it changes life, but that changes you." James Dillet Freeman

Affirmation I turn and face the change.

We danced to Revolution by Rascal Flatts

So folks, what do you think?

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Today we had the lovely Terry Murray as our facilitator.

"...praise and give thanks for the new self-manifesting God of abundance fulfilling every desire of your heart." Charles and Cora Fillmore, Teach us to Pray

Affirmation: The resources of Spirit are beyond our highest flights of imagination!

Song: Thank You by Ginger Curry

What are you thankful for today? What do you think of today's quote?

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Life is a highway

Another fabulous week of sacred circle!
This time we welcomed the most recent group of people here for Skills Demonstration Seminar (the last step before becoming a licensed Unity teacher).

Our wiggle music was "life is a highway"

Quote: "God, as the great creative principle of the universe, will always meet us more than half way" Charles Fillmore, Keep a true Lent

Affirmation: Divine creativity assures my success

How have you found this to show up in your life? do you agree?

Blessed journey,